steps to create a google adwords campaign


Steps to Create a Google Adwords Campaign
▪ It takes a long time to be successful with organic Google search marketing but with Google Adwords you can target the same audience much faster.
▪ You can place these ads on relevant websites and bring in targeted traffic with an appealing ad description. For example, an ad announcing an unbeatable discount on your product has a higher chance of attracting converting customers when featured on a web page with an informative piece on that product.
▪ Google Adwords requires only a small initial investment compared to other ad campaigns.
▪ In Cost-Per-Click (CPC) campaigns, you only pay for actual clicks on the ads.

Step #1: Target Your Market
Research your keywords using the Google Adwords keyword tool (you will need a Google Adwords account to access the tool) and other keyword tools available on the web.
Use your keywords in the heading, title and description sections of the ad. Make sure you avoid one-word keywords and instead pick specific, long-tail keywords that your users may type to look for your products or services. Here is how to build a keyword list for a Google Adwords campaign.
Create a relevant landing page on your website to drive the ad traffic to.

Step #2: Set Up Your Google Ad Account
If you have a Gmail address you can create a Google ad campaign right away. Get a Gmail account if you do not already have one.
The steps to set up a Google Adwords Account include:
▪ Creating a Google Account (if you already have a Gmail account, skip this step).
▪ Setting the time zone and currency (Google fills in default information).
▪ Verifying the account.

Step #3: Create your First Campaign
You will now see the Google Adwords Dashboard that explains the four steps to create your first ad campaign, as shown in the screenshot below:

▪ Click on Create your first campaign.
▪ You are taken to a tab titled Select Campaign Settings. NOTE: You can change these settings at any time.

Step #4: Choose the Campaign Type
In the General category, enter the campaign name and the campaign type.
Your campaign type is decided by where you want your customers to see your ad. The broad category of campaign-type settings and the websites.
Step #5: Choose your Bid and Budget
There are two types of ad bidding, which are as follows:
▪ Cost Per Click (CPC) – Businesses that want to drive traffic to a website will benefit from this type of bidding. You will have to pay only when someone clicks on your ad.
▪ Cost Per Thousand Impressions (CPM) – Businesses that want to gain brand exposure on various online platforms will benefit from this type of bidding, where you pay for every 1000 times your ad appears online. This is only available for the Display network campaign set up.

See This Examples.