landing page


What is a Landing Page?
a landing page is any web page that a visitor can arrive at or “land” on.
In online marketing, a landing page, sometimes known as a "lead capture page" or a "lander", is a single web page that appears in response to clicking on a search engine optimized search result or an online advertisement.

a) Click through landing pages (as the name implies) have the goal of persuading the visitor to click through to another page. Typically used in ecommerce funnels, they can be used to describe a product or offer in sufficient detail so as to “warm up” a visitor to the point where they are closer to making a purchasing decision.
b) Lead Generation Landing Pages

Lead generation landing pages are used to capture user data, such as a name and email address. The sole purpose of the page is to collect information that will allow you to market to and connect with the prospect at a subsequent time. As such, a lead capture page will contain a form along with a description of what you’ll get in return for submitting your personal data example :

Ebook or whitepaper
Webinar registration
Consultation for professional services
Discount coupon/voucher
Contest entry
Free trial
Why Should I Use Landing Pages?
The short answer is because they help increase your conversion rates.
When Should I Use a Landing Page?
You should try to use a landing page for every inbound advertising campaign you operate.
why Using Video on Landing Pages?

Video should be used on your landing pages whenever possible. It provides a passive engagement medium where visitors can experience your message with very little effort.specially infographic video...
you can create videos online

########A/B testing is the act of running a simultaneous experiment between two or more pages to see which performs or converts the best. Despite the name (A/B testing), the experiment can be conducted with as many pages as desired.
Once you have decided what to test on your landing page (e.g. headline, call to action, photography, adding a video etc.)– you can create new versions (or variants) of your page to enter into the experiment.

What Should I Test on My Landing Pages?

  1. The main headline (which typically contains a succinct rendering of your product/offer/service core value proposition).
  2. The call to action (CTA) – typically the text on the button that represents your page’s conversion goal.
  3. Hero shot. Try a variation of your main photo (if you have one) – preferably showing your product or service being used in context.
  4. Button design. Use design principles to accentuate the appearance of your CTA (contrast, whitespace, size). Above all, try making it bigger.
  5. Button color – green for go, blue for link color, orange or red for emotional reaction.
  6. Form length.
  7. Long copy vs. short copy

